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Showing posts with the label Life quates

Best Life Quotes : Credit life ( success Motivation ) Black Holl

 _________" Best Life Quotes" ____________ Life is happy when family your soul is happy .... Every success ful person have a happy lovly family..... Credit life ..debit sorrow.. "Speak good , do good karma gives you your results......" "Every fool have a idea that make him legend : black Holl" "Credit of life remains on debits of sadness..: black Holl.." "  ..#life is like a part of journey of heaven : Hinglaz ..." "#Hope of change the world .." "Be a Legend not a #follower..." Quates of life  ......

Impossible -' I Am POSSIBLE ' Best life Quates

In this world nothing is "impossible" If you think you can do it can can do it must     'Every person who live with self motivated mindset ..achive everything he wants no thing in world can stop him to achive it' Man invented computer which calculate every calculation in seconds Thant human can't do but it invented by human so human made things beyond thinking Every one have a quality to make a history its only about his thinking how he think how it work and how time take in life ... A man who live free mindset ..positive nature can do every thing he think... 'Best teacher of life is mistake'  a mistake made by man teach him to how overcome from trouble situation and conquer difficulties.....this improves nature ,mindsets and thinking of life..... Making mistakes take positive part on life story Its all about .....mindsets...