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Donate A Car For Charity - Black Holl

        ___'Donate A Car For Charity'____

Donate Means A thing that you give any person for his need ....for god cause
Here i tell about "donate A Car"

This is about srivardhan who is merchant in srinagar .. who often travels for his business in small town's for 'Apple' ..he was fruits merchant he gots good return from this business ...

Once srivardhan travelling near a river where he see some youngster servings trible people who has no home he go there and asking them how you management this things from city you take so many things from city they said it is difficult but they hardly manage then he said i will 'Donate A Car' for this noble cause he insure the youngster next time they came on car a do noble cause and spread happiness .. he donate a car 'swift' worth three lakh ........

The moral is that money is not powerful
'Donations of love'
Is powerful .........

After three year the yougster spread giving food for free around 300 KMS
And spread love.....


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  5. 18.3

    Amad Butt to Rashid Khan, SIX, and the helicopter to wrap up! More slow it may have been well outside off and Rashid Khan swung that across the line and sent it over wide long-on for a sixer. Brilliant finish to an awesome game. Lahore have won this with 9 balls and 4 wickets to save
    psl live score today match 2021

    Amad Butt to Rashid Khan, FOUR, full conveyance outside off and has been lifted over the in-field on the off-side for a four. Was an eminent hit for it to hurry away to the fence


    Amad Butt to Rashid Khan, no run, full throw, more slow, more extensive, hauled away to cover


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, 1 flee, short, wide, sliced away past cover for a solitary


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, no run, a very decent guard and Rashid Khan sits under it


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, FOUR, taught edge and four. That was an away fisherman, Rashid Khan opened the bat face and got it down to third man for a four. Was handily done surely


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, 2 runs, more full conveyance wide outside off and Rashid Khan guided that previous point for a twofold. Was effectively done


    Riaz to Hafeez, 1 run, short, wide, more slow, controlled away to third man for a solitary


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, 1 run, more full conveyance well outside off and Rashid Khan looks to helicopter that with his speedy hands yet gets it down to third man for a solitary


    Riaz to Rashid Khan, no ball, FOUR, awful conveyance from Riaz. That was a wide full throw, too high also and cut past point for a four. Let loose hit coming also. This will help the batting unit too


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